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Chilli Oil

Korean Gochugaru Chilli Oil - Closed loop refill


Our artisan chilli oil is made in London by a former pastry-chef who learnt to skilfully prepare Korean condiments from kimchi master chefs and Korean home cooks.

The gochugaru chilli flakes used in this chilli oil has a fruity, vibrant and smoky flavour.

Spicy, crunchy and slightly nutty, this oil will give a flavoursome heat kick to noodles, stir fries, eggs and other dishes.

  • Artisan producer of authentic Korean food

  • 15 years of experience Chef

  • Premium ingredients

  • Produced in London in small batches

  • Free from preservatives or additives

  • Circular closed-loop supply chain


Korean Gochugaru Chilli Oil 3L Tub - Closed Loop Refill

Korean Gochugaru Chilli Oil 6x250ml Glass Jar